Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sweet Potato Leaf Salad

I recently got my own hanging veggie garden. One of the plants that I got was a sweet potato. It is probably in too small of a pot to actually get the sweet potatoes to grow large enough to eat, but I do get lovely green leaves that work as a wonderful salad leaf similar to spinach.
While many edible vegetables have edible leaves such as pumpkin, sweet potato leaves have the benefit of not having the small hairs that would make eating them raw quite painful. So it is possible to have them in a salad fresh. They are quite good cooked though as well.

A handful of fresh herbs (I used parsley, coriander and basil as these are what I grow)
~ 2 cups of sweet potato leaves (Young ones are best)
1/2 cup chickpeas from a can
2 tomatos diced
red onion to taste
low fat fetta cheese crumbled
salad dressing (whatever your favourite is. I like a splash of Maggie Beer's Seville vin cotto as it is quite sweet)
Salt and pepper to taste

Comine all ingredients, dress with your salad dressing. Add salt and pepper to taste

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