Saturday, March 21, 2009

Poached Peaches

My own take on an old classic. This was made from peaches collected from a tree beside a bike-path in Belconnon.

Serves: 4
Preparation Time: 20 mins

4 peaches
2 cups water
1/2 cup port
1/2 cup sugar
vanilla essence
4 cloves
2 cardamon pods
1 aniseed star
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 tsp chili powder
1 tbs honey
50g 90% coca chocolate

1. Bring water to boil in a saucepan with all the spices. Reduce to a simmer. Add sugar and vanilla stir till dissolved. Add port and honey.

2. Add peaches. Cook for 5-10mins, every now and then turning peaches so that all sides are poached.

3. Remove peaches and put in a bowl of iced water to cool. Increase heat of saucepan and reduce liquid to a syrup.

4. When peaches are cool, peel them and place in small bowls. Melt chocolate by placing it in a small bowl which is floating in a larger bowl filled with hot water.

5. Pour over syrup and serve with icecream and drizzle with melted chocolate.

Note: Would also work with nectarines or pears. To make it even more luxurious add some blackberries just before removing the syrup from the stove.


  1. He, I was going to post this :-) Maybe I'll make chutney instead...

  2. Chutney would be good. Post a recipe and i'll try it out :)...still masses of peaches to use!
